What memories do you have of September 11th? How have the effects of that day
  affected your life?



This is your first blog. A blog is a way for students to extend class
  discussions beyond the classroom walls. In addtition, it provides an
opportunity  for students to share their writing with their peers.

Please be aware of the rules:

  1. Blogs are due every Sunday evening by 11:59pm.
  2. Late blogs will not be graded.
  3. Blogs must be at least 5 sentences long. (-1 for blogs less than 5)
  4. Blogs must follow the rules of standard written English. (-1 for errors)
  5. Blogs must address the topic. (-1 for off-topic Blogs)
  6. Replies must be at least 3 sentences and agree or disagree with a peer's
      post. (-1 for incomplete replies)

What are the expectations in your twelfth grade English class? What advice
  from last year's senior letters will you apply to ensure that you will do

In my twelfth grade English class I expect to pass every quarter. I expect
to  learn the tools necessary to excel in college. I also want to get better at
  writing essays, so I can be prepared for writing college essays as well. I
  expect this year to be a success and to learn a lot from this class. I hope to
  fulfill all of these expectations this year. The advice from last year’s senior
  letters that I will apply to ensure that I will do well is, “If you 2012
seniors  could do it so can I”! I am determined to get all my work done, be on
time to  class ready to go and focused so that when June comes, I will be ready
to put  that cap and gown on

posted 9/8/2012 9:15

Chaude Taylor